Someone to run plastic on the multicam?

Since the plastics class for the Multicam has been “next month” for quite some time, I’m wondering if there is anyone who is signed off for plastics use on it that is willing to do a cut for me. I donated some 1" thick Acrylic sheet to make shields out of when groups of people must walk through (it’s bullet resistant acrylic from my ballistics photography days). Simple cut of 4 sections. Three rectangular of same size, and a fourth smaller one.

Originally this was being cut on the Delta, with a fresh plastics blade. However, the plastic expanded slightly and the back guard got in the way. Upon stopping the saw to pull the sheet back and evaluate the roller stand collapsed and took a corner off. Most of the sheet is usable, just needs to be cut and cleaned up. The smaller piece could be used as a guard elsewhere or make a small “boom” box for anything that’s not exactly stable :stuck_out_tongue:

@Team_Woodshop is there a list of plastics users for the Multicam?


Hey Jim - I’ll help you. Send me a PM and we can work out the details.
