Someone keeps leaving the hide glue on

Someone’s been leaving the hide glue on, and since I figured it be pointed at me I’ve taken pics everytime I leave

So seriously whoever’s doing please do not forget to turn it off after you use it

The pictures don’t help me understand the problem, but an auto-off timer for the hide glue pot would probably solve the problem. I bought this one for our timerless coffeemaker for less than $15. No ground pin: don’t know if that’s an issue for the glue pot.

Single button start. Time settings from 15 minutes to up to four hours.


I mean the only real problem is it keeps evaporating the water and ruining the hide glue in there, since crock pots are literally designed to be plugged in and left on unattended for long periods of time, a ton of engineering went into making them almost non existent fire hazards so there’s no risk especially cause it’s a mini crock pot and not a full sized one! it just probably smells like a horses butt when it’s evaporated the water but the real solution is whoever else is using it, which I don’t mind anybody can use the hide glue I make up infact I genuinely encourage people to switch to it vs yellow glue cause it really does produce significantly better joinery but if you use it please turn it off after

They use these in jewelry for the pickle pots and they work great. Definitely worth it for woodshop


Would this be something I could submit a receipt for? Or since it’s use will more than likely be 90% me is this more of an individual purchase thing?

Talk to the committee chair, this is something that he can have the Procurement officer purchase. Makes life simpler for everyone. Using DMS’s accounts mean no Sales Tax and all the billing processing is simpler.

