Someone here has to make Mjolnir


This would be even cooler for the guys who have implanted RFID chips into their hands.

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That’s exactly what I was thinking when I saw this. it would actually be easier to conceal.


I bet you were so waiting for that all night long… :wink:

Every week! :smiley:


Ok! Challenge Accepted

Dang… I thought you did it and the link was gonna show it off.

Nope, not yet. Got to get to the space and melt down some of that scrap steel. By the way is there any one with access to a power hammer? Seems to me that we could use one in the metalshop

Also, I already designed the identity circuitry for my sonic screwdriver so I’m just needing to adapt it for Mjolnir.

Yes…Thor! That’s the point…duh. :–)


Would your body not reject that?

Like the one in the metalshop?

It’s not in there any more.

Right, and I understood that to be because everyone was afraid that actually trying to use it would damage the floor.

So, yes — we could use one in the metalshop, if we could use one in the metalshop!

I heard indirectly that we got rid of the power hammer altogether, and a good thing, too, as it had no safeties, the power controls were on the other side of the room and it could easily kill someone.