Lowest one one ebay is $139.00 +$13.35 shipping. Brooks @ two one 4 931 262six
More info: | ZOOM
Lowest one one ebay is $139.00 +$13.35 shipping. Brooks @ two one 4 931 262six
More info: | ZOOM
@Team_Digital_Media would you guys like to have this?
Will check with @tombakerftw but if Digtal Media passes, I’m interested personally.
I have one of the older (non SP) units and it’s a great box. Good sound, and features, slightly clunky interface and eats batteries like crazy, but I’m very satisfied with it.
I’m thinking of getting it for the studio but wanted to let DM get a crack at it first.
Buy it @denzuko,
These are great, I have an H4 and an H5, never regretted the purchase. Plus, if it is new like he says, you won’t beat that price, these are worth every bit of $200.