Sold: New ZOOM H4nSP Handy Recorder NEW $125

Lowest one one ebay is $139.00 +$13.35 shipping. Brooks @ two one 4 931 262six

More info: | ZOOM

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@Team_Digital_Media would you guys like to have this?

Will check with @tombakerftw but if Digtal Media passes, I’m interested personally.

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I have one of the older (non SP) units and it’s a great box. Good sound, and features, slightly clunky interface and eats batteries like crazy, but I’m very satisfied with it.

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I’m thinking of getting it for the studio but wanted to let DM get a crack at it first.

Buy it @denzuko,
These are great, I have an H4 and an H5, never regretted the purchase. Plus, if it is new like he says, you won’t beat that price, these are worth every bit of $200.

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