(SOLD!) Intel Edison and mini-breakout expansion board

Decided to go Arduino and not use these… snapped together/assembled, but unused.

Edison: Standared Power On Board Antenna EDI1.SPON.AL.S
Mini-Breakout Expansion board BB2.AL.B

Still have the boxes.

$25 for the pair.

Ray, if you still have them, i’ll take them

I seem to be collecting all your old stuff!

I do. Will you be up at the space on Thursday?

Possibly, what time?

About 6:30 pm… :blankspace:

Sure thing, see you there

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Yeah I got his old video camera. I think he’s running a business out of the Space at this point.

Oops I meant for Keanu to go into a PM for Raymond. My bad. Enjoy?

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I’m simplifying a lot… And focusing energies on some new projects. Next up is building a deer blind and that will be at the space. :sunglasses:

These were canceled by Intel right?

They looked promising for a while. I kept meaning to check out Win10 IOT, but never got around to it.

No idea. I haven’t kept up with Intel’s IoT and experimenter offerings.