Solaris, no more?


Although I am not surprised and haven’t used Solaris in quite a long time this is sad news.

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I wonder if they will open source the OS?

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It would be great to obtain vintage versions of Solaris, and see Sun Spark workstations added to the Simh vintage computer simulatot

Ugh. I used to have a sparkstation 5 and two Ultra 10s. If I had known about DMS at the time I would have considered donating. I may still have some older copies of Solaris though if there is interest.

Yeah, apparently iPhone doesn’t know this though, and I was too trusting. :roll_eyes:

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You mean slo-waris amirite?


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As Control Data Corporation was inching slowly toward the corporate black hole we started pushing Sun systems. A huge contract with the US Army Corps of Engineers had a lot of us installing SPARCstation 20s and servers all over the world for a few years. Those were fun days. We all dreamed of having a SPARC at home.


They did, open solarius - it felt way too much like suse linux or freebsd just without driver support for anyone to really use.

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Seriously?!?! I’ve been trying to get my hands on those since the bbs days. We would gladly have a few sun systems machines available (and online). If anyone want’s to help make that happen.

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Solaris had DTrace and ZFS going for it and both of those have been ported to other operating systems. I’m surprised Solaris has hung on for as long as it has under Oracle. It seems like there haven’t been any innovations since Oracle acquired Sun which is sad.

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