Should we merge SDC into Computer Committee?
If so, let’s make a plan and assign tasks.
If not, let’s decide what to do with the remaining money, as well as make a plan to vote in a chair.
What do we want to buy?
5 iOS development environments for an iOS development class
Software Development-specific questions from @denzuko:
What’s the vision for the future?
How would this be considered a success?
Other than just software development at the makerspace; what’s the meaning of the group’s existence?
What benefits outweigh one going to starbucks with a laptop and udemy or hanging out at NoD coworking space?
Please come and contribute to the discussion.
When: Wednesday the 21st of August @ 7pm
Where: North Lobby Classroom
It’s always been my belief that VCC should be a SIG underneath Computer Committee and we generally use the name Computer Committee in public so the general membership actually understands what the hell it is. VCC means nothing out of context to most people
“The Computer Committee strives to provide a STEM pilot program for learning hands on about the whole computer from hardware to software and networking. Computing is more than a career or science; its a way of life. For that VCC provides the tools, labs, and opportunities for makers to build amazing things with Blockchain, Data science, Docker, DevOps, AI, Programming, and general hacking topics from gaming, case modding, home labs, and information security.”
This seems to use VCC and Computer Committee interchangeably. Which doesn’t make sense. Either it’s specific to Vintage Computers or it is not.
@denzuko Is the committee specific to vintage computers or not? If it is, then it’s VCC. In that case, my iOS course has nothing to do with the committee and neither does a lot of what’s on the Wiki. If it’s not, then let’s not call it something it isn’t. Naming matters.
Is that really what one wants to debate? A computer takes three parts, hardware, software, and the support to build both.
Now, one thinks the heart of the matter is what’s is software’s goals and plans for the merger? Even why form a new committee? Couldn’t SDC go back to being a sig again?
We can absolutely talk about and debate the idea of SDC becoming a SIG and whoever has the authority to make that call can.
The question right now is how we can bring clarity and meaning to the name of what’s currently called the Computer Committee on the wiki. Yes, that’s what I want to debate. I think naming matters. If you think naming doesn’t matter, or you think that naming does matter and VCC is a good name, then let’s debate it.
Here’s my argument:
There needs to be one name (abbreviations of which are also useful) because people need to be able to communicate and reason about the committee easily.
Names should be meaningful in that they should describe the thing they refer to. They should also be concise.
The committee referred to on the wiki as Computer Committee is not just about vintage computers. It’s about computers in general.
VCC Computer Committee
is less concise and than Computer Committee. It is also redundant as evidenced by the fact that it contains the phrase ‘Computer Committee’ twice.
is less meaningful than Computer Committee because it includes the word ‘Vintage,’ which does not describe the committee itself, but rather a subset of the scope of the committee.
What do you think the name of the committee should be? If it’s VCC or VCC Computer Committee, then please explain where my reasoning fails.
The VECTOR Restoration Committee (Vintage Electromechanical Conservancy of Technology, Operation, and Restoration) serves as a knowledge hub and work space for amusement technologies developed from the turn of the 20th century onward. Our goal is to educate, preserve, and build upon the knowledge of the past… “Learn. Fix. Play!”
Meaningful and concise. Renaming it to Pinball would be like naming a committee that’s about computers VCC, too limited in scope.
I too, would like to discuss that separate topic and help people answer those important questions point in the near future, maybe at the meeting. And I understand if you want to hold off on talking about the name of the committee. Here’s my question though:
Is the committee specific to vintage computers or not?