It has been mentioned that if we expand, we will need to improve our PR outreach
Among the ways we can do is with a heavier use of social media Several of our committees already
have a presence on FB but some of those mostly seem to reach members and some students
Many artists and artist groups use social media effectively to reach out and build interests and such
Facebook is one platform, I know folks use Twitter and Instagram a lot, I hear a lot of good things
about using Instagram like posting pictures of folks shopping at an art show or a happy customer,
with their permission will draw in folks
I feel that we could do a lot of outreach with even our personal accounts if we thought about and
were willing of course and knew how
Personally I do use Facebook, I would love to use Twitter and Instagram.
I am thinking about things like teachers posting a picture of a class making things, posting photos
of what students made, Students doing the same How often have you stopped after a class
and shown your new box or pen or 3D printed widget with your friends at the space
We may have folks already doing that I dont know
How many folks are willing to help in this way? I know that not everyone is on
social media I m not talking to y all just to those of us that do use it
Would you be willing to share things to your personal account? Do you already do that?
Is there a way to encourage it>
We also have a rarely read blog That is another good way to reach out How can we
get it followed more?
I can it being used to show our expansion
A little personal comment on this, Several years ago I reserved a store name on Etsy Lots of my
friends did the same, most had few sales and limited views, the ones that were successful, used
blogs and the the way they listed items to drive interest, I was working on the ground work for mine
when life got in the way It is still waiting to open (not being able to take in focus pictures is a problem)
Comments please
(I think if anything was official, we would have to be careful about faces Maybe another
thing to ask a lawyer about)