Small T-Slot table

After Chris @John_Marlow suggested it, I made a small T-Slot table that will fit in the Bridgeport vise and allow you to use the Sherline rotary table and other accessories on the Bridgeport. I’m cleaning it up and will bring it in up later this week. Where would be a good place to store it?


Here’s a picture


Wow! Thanks for making this!

I think there is likely a lot of room in the bottom drawer or two of the Sherline tool cabinet. I think it’s less likely to get lost or mistaken for something else in that cabinet.


Thank you Mike. @artg_dms and I were having a tslot making discussion just this past Sunday. Perhaps you can show him what you used and how it was done to get him going. Cheers!

Where is it located? Wanted to demo at Sherline class last night.

Thanks Mike for this fine extension of shop capabilities. It goes to show that not all great things have to cost a lot. Nice sturdy base. The “Cat” says store it in the bottom draw of the Sherline cabinet and I concur as there is a lot room in there currently for special items, while that base plate could get “lost” in the Bridgeport cabinet.


It’s in the bottom Sherline cabinet.


It was really easy to make - if you have the right cutter. The cutters are called Keyseat cutters or T-Slot Milling Cutters.

Just cut a .25 slot with a regular mill bit then with x and y positioned the same, change to the Keyseat cutter and position it at the bottom of the slot and cut away. There was quite a bit of built up of shavings in front of the cutter so I backed up every couple of inches and cleaned out the slot. Then I turned the stock around and repeated for the other slot.