Small DiAcro shear?

Do we still have the old (small) DiAcro shear?

I know that @dallasmagna was planning to sell it in 2017, but the fair market value was $600 so I don’t know if anyone was willing to pay that for it.

I haven’t had good success with the stomp shear. I seem to have trouble getting a precise/square cut. And I lack sufficient stomping mass …

@Team_Machine_Shop does machine have a small shear? I know there is a small brake.

Yes and no. I just ordered the parts to repair it today. Should arrive in two weeks. The brake parts are in the order too.


Metal Shop gave it to Jewelry and Small Metals a while ago.

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@JBluJkt … does JSM still have this shear? Relative to the Rio one this one would seem larger and clunkier.

No that one went to metal shop then they got rid of it afaik

machine shop has this shear

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Thanks mucho señor !