Does anybody remember what the username and password were to the simplify 3D account? We still have it on the computers, but it’s not letting me access the program without a password and username
Tagging @Team_3D_Fab
BTW, if the license we have is the v4 version, which allowed 2 machines to be logged on at the same time, don’t pay to upgrade to the V5 version. The upgrade costs ~$75 but they changed the terms of the license to now only allow it to be installed/run on a single computer.
@engpin is there any way you can give me a hand? I really need Simplify’s ability to adjust the supports on a print manually
I’m still trying to find this info
Any update yet?
No one can find it so I’m
Waiting on infrastructure to look at it.
Tagging @Team_Infrastructure
They are already on it. I’m keeping updated by them.
We have other cad software have you tried one of them
It’s not the CAD software that’s the problem. It’s the ability to granularly adjust the supports. Also, the others we have can’t examine g code files. And sometimes I need to make edits to an already sliced file.
Also, sometimes things are just at a weird angle and it’s a lot easier to move them to a better angle in simplify then in the other slicer we use
Anyway I can tag in the new 3D Fab chair?
@Team_3D_Fab @Team_Infrastructure
@zacharymarkson I don’t think we were able to find any login info for simplify 3D.
It’s there any way that we can swing the board purchasing another license?
$75 / seat is not a BOD concern, it’s well within committee spending authority.
There’s not a new fab chair. I’ll look into what the cost are and put falls there could be
If I just bought the license myself, how would I go about getting reimbursed for that?
I think we should discuss this in a 3D fab meeting since no one else is asking for it. And if only one person is going to use it. Is it worth the spend?
My thoughts are that it would be a better tool for slicing than the ones that we currently have, and if we got it (and taught people to use it) more people would use. Especially because Simplify is a lot more intuitive than KISS Slicer, in addition to having more control over the whole printing process. It’s like, if all you have is saw, everyone’s going to get used to using the saw, and it works perfectly fine. But if you suddenly get a lathe, that opens up more options, and people will start using the lathe, even if no one was asking for it. But I’m definitely willing to see if I can make it to the next 3D Fab meeting and try and persuade everybody. When is that?
(Also, a license costs $200, for a point of reference)