I no longer use my Gelato Maker now that I typically use Liquid Nitrogen for making ice cream or gelato.
It can make a 1 quart batch of ice cream in 20-30 minutes. And since it is compressor based it can make batch after batch. The bowl and paddle are removable to make it easy to clean.
Does have one weird issue and that it is very noisy sitting flat. When tilted by a 1/2" block on one side the noise goes away?! Other than that it works great.
$50 or best offer by Friday. Same item on used on eBay, they tend to keep their value at $150.
Can deliver to the space. You do not want to ship this thing it is a beast.
I’ll bring cash. Coordinate when we’ll both be there. If my auto part arrives before evening on Monday will be there that evening, otherwise Tuesday works. I’ll let you know.
Off-topic, but, where do you get your liquid nitrogen at? I’ll probably be picking up a Dewar soon and want to get some liquid nitrogen for food experimentation.
Lot of the big companies do not want the liability of supplying small dewar fills anymore. Too many accidents with bartenders and chefs doing dumb things. Smaller companies will still do fills if you are nice and make it easy for them. I now use:
Since they are small you may have to make two trips. One to drop off you dewar for them and two to pick it up the next day. Only their delivery drivers are certified to do fills so they have to fit it into their delivery schedule. They are super nice though!
They price may vary based on how much you are getting. I think last fill was $2.50/liter + a hazmat charge. Seems they have the option of charging the hazmat fee or not based on dewar size.