I would like to ask if anyone would be willing to make a sign for the bench grinders in the Metal Shop, that says something to the effect of " No Aluminum Grinding on Bench grinders"
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Should probably say “Ferrous materials only” but who would understand that. Or “Soft metals + grinding = DEATH” with a graphic of an exploding grinding wheel hitting an innocent bystander…
In all sincerity, I do not know how to get the word out that (what the signs should probably say) “GRINDERS ARE FOR STEEL ONLY”; special arrangements need to be made for any other material, and Metal Shop isn’t set up to do that other than to use sanding equipment. I also don’t know how to help people BELIEVE this is problematic, and applies to them, and yes, “even just this little bit”, and “I’ve never had a problem at my house” isn’t a reason to ruin community equipment, put others in danger, etc.
I think those would work, David. It would save on our valuable volunteers time if we can get those. I think we need to mount them as conspicuous as possible. I personally don’t care if it mounted to wood, metal or plastic. The message just needs to be crystal clear.
Id say leather shoes or shoe covers when welding or manually plasma cutting. Certainly no open toed shoes in metal shop. Tours probably are the only exception.
Couldn’t find a “Leather Shoes” just Safety Shoes and Closed Toe.
But safety shoes can be synthetic, I have a pair of New Balance Safety Shoes that are synthetic: steel toes and electrical isolation. I think I’ve worn them two or three times - my wide foot is cramped in toe.
This would cover only the most essential safety rules we want followed such as wearing safety glasses and no gloves while operating machinery. The fewer points covered the better (so really only stuff related to major bodily injury.) We will need to use expressive minimalistic colors.
I like the skybox idea. Didn’t hear a couple of hours and order was put in.
What I like about the labels on each machine is people can’t “I didn’t know” or “I didn’t see it.” or “I don’t notice the skybox I wasn’t looking up”
I guess the real issue is are you going to hold folks accountable? I know Nick and I are considered hardass about Safety. If you don’t want these to put up I’ll pay for them.
I like the idea of the skybox and I’d like to add a suggestion. Regarding colors … (somewhere) there are guidelines as to what color combinations are suitable for people with color-deficient vision. I’d like to see us incorporate those. For instance, red on blue is specifically very difficult for color-deficient vision to discern.
Note: OSHA typically uses Yellow instead of the Yellow-Orange (Amber) color for part of their signs and images. Prior to their last revision they matched ANSI (OP ED: guess some bureaucrat was bored and decided OSHA needs to be different than industry standards, so change something to make it appear you are doing something)