Post the keyboard you are playing with and what you are drinking!
I too, am bored at work!
I wish it were a mech and a beer, but what can ya do?
This is my Corporate Workhorse…
Keyboard: HP SK-2885 with white switches
Drink: French Vanilla + Starbucks Blonde blended Espresso
WPM: Fluent
It took me a few months typing on a TKL to get used to it. I love watching other people try to use it and freezing when they have to key in a number.
The only time I ever used the 10-key was to input the number for an ANSI character - now I’m stuck with lookup tables and copy-paste.
For those that aren’t aware (Windows trick), hold down the left ALT key and use the 10-key to enter 0177. ± Be amazed!
Alt+0153 for the snark in corporate IM
I tend to 10-key in Excel and and other numeric-heavy application but otherwise do top row for casual numeric entry.
I got a TKL as an experiment because my ten-key skills are 1337 and I wanted more desk space.
Ended up buying a separate ten key at the Computer Goodwill because sometimes ya just gotta spreadsheet.
For those that aren’t aware (Windows trick), hold down the left ALT key and use the 10-key to enter 0177. ± Be amazed!
That’s a shortcut from back in the DOS days, BTW. I believe it might be handled by the keyboard controller itself, an Intel 8032 microcontroller, but don’t quote me on that.
That’s the Alt code
that came about to support Unicode/I18n and mainly a M$ / IBM thing these days however some systems can emulate it via software in the kernel. Linux can do it that but it takes effort to enable it since the origins is from the IBM PC bios and the numbers are completely different for the most part. OSX has its own thing in the cocoa library mainly based off the Compose key.
i run BSD
If plan9 had a good rdp client then that would be my daily but BSD is a good option too.
WPM: Fluent but highly responsive feedback. I’ll need to relearn key sizes and finger placement a bit to get into the 65+ range.
Drink: INFINITE BLACK™ COLD PRESS by Dunn Brothers Coffee