Should there be Impromptu classes

Should there be Impromptu classes? It seems unfair to offer a class with out scheduling it first so all have a chance to attend?

If qualified instructor wants to donate their time to provide instruction on a topic to assist a member that is their choice. I routinely teach folks how to use the large format printer, button maker, etc.

People often need assistance and can’t make classes - a committee may miss getting a few coins and classes are still scheduled regularly. IMHO helping another member, member to member is pretty high up on the Being Excellent list. But that’s just my personal outlook and differing views aren’t less valid.


Im not talking about one on one helping or teaching

I think you’re going to have to specify what you mean.
If several people happen to be talking, & somehow decide that they want one of their number to conduct some kind of session on some kind of topic, what are you even going to do about it? Run them out of the 'Space? Penalize them somehow?
A preoccupation with “fairness” at the expense of other values doesn’t necessarily yield good results.


What David and Chris said…

Plus, impromptu classes often show enough interest to encourage members to teach the same class again (sometimes several times) in a scheduled manner. It’s a great way to confirm interest! :slight_smile:


He is talking specifically about an instance like mine where he first brought issue. See the attached thread.

And im going to state this again IM NOT WORRIED ABOUT THE MONEY

Then maybe you can explain, preferably using complete sentences with punctuation, what you do mean, because the rest of us are having a damned hard time wrapping our heads around it.

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I don’t see what it matters. If I were at the space & someone needed to be taught something, I’d teach them. Doesn’t matter to me it is 1 or five people. They show an interest in said topic enough to show up for a class that wouldn’t have otherwise been going on. It benefits others more than even the said instructor. So I guess it could be considered excellent.


I’m saying should classes be scheduled out in advance?
One to cut down on confusion
and to make it to where all have a chance to attend.

I’m not saying chastise anyone just that it should be uniform in how classes are scheduled.

I’ll admit that I’ve been bummed out about not being able to attend certain classes…

Sometimes because they were impromptu…
More often than not, because the majority of the classes seem to be scheduled around 7 PM on weekdays (when I’m usually at work)…

Unfortunately, there is no way with members volunteering their time to make all classes available to all members at the variety of days/times that would make it easier for everyone to attend every class that they may be interested in.

I feel that any class - impromptu or not - is an excellent way to judge interest.

Hopefully classes that are much sought after will continue to train trainers who will in turn have even more classes - hopefully at a wider variety of days/times to allow members with alternate schedules better access to the classes offered at Dallas Makerspace. :slight_smile:


It should absolutely not be required that a class be scheduled in advance to be taught. If a committee were only doing impromptu classes it would be an issue, especially for a high demand tool, but as long as classes are being taught regularly…


It is, I should say, as a general rule, desirable that classes should be scheduled in advance.
This does not by any means imply that classes without such scheduling should be considered impermissible. And on the gripping hand, how exactly would you go about stopping people from conducting classes on an impromptu basis?

Again, it would help if you would more clearly explain what it is that you are concerned about, & what action you think is appropriate to express those concerns. Because it’s simply not coming through.

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I agree. DMS is about learning and teaching; sometimes these things happen at the spur of the moment, or don’t lend themselves to being on a schedule.

I’m strongly against limiting how, when, and where “classes” are held, however you interpret that term. If it isn’t being un-excellent to others, I say “Go for it!”.


And in the end, scheduled classes always take precedent:
List item 4


Like when I show something that doesn’t really need formal training like the NextEngine 3D scanner, I start showing one person then there’s 3 people in 3D fab also wanting to learn. Those are impromptu classes. The calendar entries get a approved fairly quickly, within a day or two, so why not just schedule a class? I think that’s “being excellent”.

I teach classes sometimes that are in demand but usually have to schedule regular classes 2 weeks out because of our 12-day rule for honorariums, why would I not want to get $50 and help out the committee, but then if you’re the only one teaching the class on that tool and there’s a demand for it, you’re asked to teach classes immediately and everyone’s schedule. It comes with volunteerism, you’re the expert and people know it, you end up getting asked to teach about it all the time.


“and to make it to where all have a chance to attend”

That line is funny to me, because I’ve missed out on more classes due to people not showing up to a limited student class than I feel I have from people teaching someone without a calendar event.