We have a new SIG: Embedded Workshop SIG. Headed by Rusty Cain. Hrdwr/Sftwr design/build including - but not limited to - Arduino, R Pi, Beagle, etc.
Consumables. Discussion on what are consumables and the spending of Committee funds. The parts in the ELab were donated and are available for your projects. Consumables are generally restricted to tools, solder, flux, tips, etc. Things like heat shrink tubing, LEDs, will be bought with funds donated to the committee. If you’re using parts in the ELab for your project, consider making a donation. Heat shrink tubing, etc. will be bought based on available funds.
Theft. There is still a problem with things “disappearing” out of the ELab. If you are a regular in the ELab, take note of the various equipment and tools. PM me if you think something is missing. Narrowing down the time makes checking the video much easier.
Note: If you take test equipment from the Elab to use elsewhere at DMS, YOU are responsible for its return to the ELab.
PCB Mill rebuild. This project has stagnated. Partly my fault. I have asked Walter and Jay to continue the rebuild.
Open House projects. Walter has offered to demonstrate some home built ham radio gear. Brady has offered to do a demo on projects possible with embedded processors. Katy is working on a “build a DMS blinky brd” that visitors can build.
Tool Wiki has been updated and reorganized. Look’n good Walter. Thanks.
Many thanks to those teaching classes. Greatly appreciated!