Sheet Goods Cut List Generator

Probably not useful to most, but I thought I’d post a pointer to a program I’ve used a few times over the years to good effect: Cut List.

This is a cut list generator, i.e. you define the amount of sheet goods stock you have, e.g. a 4’ X 8’ piece of plywood, and then the pieces you want to cut from it, say for a desk or table. It then calculates how best to go about cutting the pieces from the stock. There are other options and functions and what-not like exporting to CSV file as well.

It is a Windows based, stand-alone program, i.e. it does not require an installation or add entries into your registry or make modification to your file system, just a downloaded free-standing executable. Also it is free; there are other cut list programs for sale out there, but this one, while less slick and fancy, does the job. If you do like it and use it, please consider donating a few bucks to the developer.

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