Shaping without a shaper

I have a project for the new year.

If I had the ultimate shop I would go to a shaper with a drawer full of cutters.

Here is the shape

Does not have to be exact, but close

Short run of approx 4 feet
Hard maple, 2.5 inches thick

What are my options given the Makerspace woodshop?

If I was careful in setup could this be done with cove/core box and round over bits?

What are other options, i.e. take it somewhere?



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A shaper is normally used for profiles. This appears to be a pattern task. You create a MDF or acrylic pattern(LASER), transfer to your new board, bandsaw the rough outline, then use a router / router table to trim it.

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Yep. A profile

My picture was not a fair representation of the item, just the profile



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Most likely you can acquire a 1/2" router bit for that profile. Unlike the shaper, you will probably need to to take two or three increasingly deeper passes to complete the profile. This shouldn’t be an issue with our 3-1/2 horse power router table. This can also be done with a hand router if you feel more comfortable. The hand router might require one additional pass to be on the safe side.


Think I am going to try a finger pull bit. Think it will be close enough.

Will do multiple passes

Thanks for the help

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