I’ve added two more Shapeoko 2 classes to the calendar, Wed 9/28 and Sun Oct 1, should show up in 72 hours.
However, I continue to see no-shows/no-cancel registrants in high numbers of late. 3 of 8 last Sunday. This is not excellent behavior.
I don’t want to start charging fee’s so for this next round you must be approved by me to attend the class. I will compare applicants against recent no-shows and, if you’re on the list, you will need to provide an explanation for your previous behavior and why you’ll make it this time. If you’ve not skipped out before you’ll be approved more or less automatically.
I am a new member and have noticed many of the classes I was hoping to attend were shown as FULL on the calendar and thus did not register. I am wondering if it would be okay to just “show up” on the date and time for the class and hope to attend if someone fails to show. Is that proper? I could pay cash if they required a fee to register.
Sure. It depends on the class if you need to really pay. Some are charging for materials – and that depends on the instructor. Some figure that the no-show lost their money.
Or, a couple of the classes have a nominal fee in hopes of making folks Show Up (doesn’t always work – life, you know). Those kinda figure you’ve “paid” by showing up.
Look for the classes the old-fashioned way (read the calendar). Come here on Talk, and try to PM the instructor by putting their name in. Not all instructors have a presence here, but it’s worth a shot.
Thanks for the quick reply. Funny, but when I saw the “Fired Arts Chairperson” next to your name, I thought why was he fired from the “Arts Chairperson” position…Still getting use to the DMS vernacular.
My first PlasmaCAM class had three no-shows - 50%. Fortunately there were four flying standby and three got in. I hate to push unregistered folks to come because the odds may not be good after a long drive through traffic.
I would encourage you to consider the timing of cancellations. A cancellation four days ahead is very different than same day or no-show. I like free/cheap classes but that does encourage taking registration lightly.
Okay – NOW I have to say something. Yeah, his classes are right nice. HOWEVER – then you need one of hard-to-get-into-classes in order to USE that info. You know – Woodshop basics, CNC router, Laser, 3-D printing…
That is true but some of them are a little easier to ger into
My thought is to slow the frustration of the new member that joined to they could
make, say a spice rack their wife has been wanting and they wanted to finich it for her birthday at the ende of the month. Getting new ideas might ease that frustration, They might improve the
design, or come up with a neater project and it would introduce them to
wonders of the space
My PlasmaCAM classes are limited to six due to shop time required with each student. The class last night had been full but had a 5PM cancellation. Someone grabbed it within 30 minutes so there was no problem. It could have been carelessness or one of those work days fighting a deadline when you realize its going to be a very long work day.
I was not aware that there had been an alert process. When I have a full class coming up, I check for cancellations a couple of times on class day. If I see one, I’ll post a message to talk.
work schedule makes it hard for me to be available to sign up at all, mondays and LATE evenings(11pm) are times I could show. Since being a member in june I’ve only no-showed 1 time to a class and it was bc I had to deal with a family matter. I’d love to learn that machine tho!
Everybody is going to have something come up once in a while. But if you can try to log in and cancel. If you can’t do it that then when you can let the Instructor know, it shows you are concerned enough to follow-up.
It’s the didn’t cancelled didn’t bother to show-up that I think are the problems. As an instructor I just assume you decided to blow it off since no effort was made. You’re stating, through actions: The instructors time and other members that couldn’t attend is beneath your efforts.
It is interesting, every instructor I’ve talked with this past week has been overwhelmingly in support of Jay’s position and agrees with it.
Very much agree with Jay…the only other layer I’m not afraid to add is that like any other institution if the class doesn’t “make” I’m likely going to cancel it unless it’s those sparkling moments of summer when I’m there anyway and have time to burn.
I start work at 6:30 am. I get off work at 4-5:00 pm. Nothing personal to students but if I’m dropping toll money and fighting rush hour to come to the space I expect that I’ll either get to play with my own projects or get my honorarium to cover that membership I can’t effectively use since I just made myself a solid 12 hour work day