so thanks to the diligent work of @gwmaker1 we have come to the conclusion that it is too dangerious to house at the DMS facility - in that it is too messy, not work the clean up that we cant even reuse - and that the item it self would need its own set room to print in, the DMS does not have said floor plan.
that being said we have two options. sell it for the ammount its worth and get 2 other printers (i suggest the 508 and another resin printer
or two stick it out and hope for the best
personally id go with option one, but if anything i want to put the question out to you, serious discussion
Don’t think the Sinterit Lisa’s are selling like hotcakes, so the $$$ you make get may not buy much. I would love to be wrong but selling the printer is the best option. Would the committee be interested in storing it until we move, that is your best wait and see plan.
At least the fiber laser would be worth some money (10 watt = $2,500, 20 watt = $3,100, 30 watt = $3,500).
It may be too forward looking, but off of Ken’s point/question, maybe store it until a move to new location when specific planning can accommodate it (we already rent storage and also have a mostly empty trailer)?
This option/suggestion assumes:
No reasonable offer/price for unit is forthcoming in short term
There is space in storage unit(s) or trailer, and Logistics approves this use
That there is sufficient reason to believe that we will ever actually move
I may have suggested under outdated understanding…isn’t there a trailer that was dedicated (or primarily used) for storing and hauling the blacksmith equipment? Or just storing? Based on your question I guess I am not sure anymore…
You may not get as much for the printer as you would like but there are companies out there that have
dedicated facilities to use them.
I will check, with some guys, that are using these printers and have made videos, for youtube. They might possibly be interested in adding an additional printer at a reduced price.
Storing it, at least for a while, until we have room if there are plans to move would be the best option as cost of reacquisition far outweighs the cost of storage.
If the sell option is the route taken, I’d be interested in buying it(if price works for me).
Keep in mind “storing” is not necessarily good. If we are 2-3 years from moving without a guarantee of a home for it. We might be store something that will become worthless on our watch.
Think about where 3D printers were 3 years ago. They are not worth much now.
We don’t have a whole lot of room to store things I mean 3D Fab is small enough as it is and we could use that space for printers. I think I’m going to hold an emergency committee meeting to hear what the committee thinks but thank you for your input if the committee agrees to it we will be selling the printer at cost usually about $8,000 to $9,000 a new one would cost just the same about $9,000. Given that this hasn’t even had a trial run it’s still pretty MIB without the bee I hope that the next person who has it to mass-produce objects to their liking. I love 3D printers I love cat designing and I love finding new printers for the space that are different from what we’re used to I have been able to put in that room different types of printers both plastic and resin I’m kind of sad that we never got to run this thing but we are closer than we have been I would like to offer up the ability to buy this to the space first any member who’d be willing to pay for it I know that Mitch has already eyed it… lol.
Emergency committee meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. on the 15th in 3D Fab to talk about the Sentret Lisa printer please note there is another committee meeting at the end of the month this one is specifically for the Sentret Lisa