September Welding Classes

I have scheduled 3 sets of welding classes for this month. The Saturday classes are scheduled for the 10th and 17th, while the evening classes will be on the 14th and 15th. I scheduled them in the event planner this morning, but the classes are not posted yet. Keep an eye out for them if you plan to take the classes.

The TIG class cost has been increased to $40 as I will provide TIG tourch components to each student for their personal use. This will consist of collet, collet body, gas cup and tungsten electrode.

If you have questions email me at [email protected]



Nice to see you in the swing of things Lee. I so want to take these classes, just so busy right now. Good luck and hope the classes are full of great students!

Which series torch is it so that those of us who took the class in the past can also acquire our own?

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Just a note that the 17th is Open House…

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I believe the torch is a WP-20:

If you want to get really good shielding (and save DMS’s Argon to boot), you might consider a gas lens setup for your personal use. A bit more money, but they are worth it.

Was excited to finally see these on the calendar, thanks. Hopefully another intro class soon. Couldn’t make it today unfortunately