Last year we had a Sale Day in September. If we’re thinking about that, we need to start planning.
Let me be clear. I want a September Sale Day. I’m willing to put in a chunk of work. However, it needs to be a team thing. Who’s got input?
Last year we had a Sale Day in September. If we’re thinking about that, we need to start planning.
Let me be clear. I want a September Sale Day. I’m willing to put in a chunk of work. However, it needs to be a team thing. Who’s got input?
For those of us who were not here last September, what is a September sale day?
I’m willing to help.
We rent a table/space for a nominal price ($10 or so), and sell stuff we’ve made.
I thought that was in December.
Yep. Decemeber 10? 11?
9th & 10th.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m just dense today but I’m not understanding. Rent a table where?
Ah. I hadn’t noticed any discussion, and I’m pretty sure we did it in September last year. Still, that’s thing.
Follow the calendar link.
Maker Made Fair??
And 1234567890
I would be willing to help some as well. Looks like it was the in lecture hall, is that right? Was this an open to the public kind of thing?
Last year it was in Interactive.
Last year, for a first effort, I thought went really well. Would like to thank Julie Harris @Julie-Harris again who showed up to held set the room up. Would not have happened without her!
If done again, if there aren’t at least 3 volunteers dedicated to showing up - per room to be set-up, then don’t bother in my opinion. The time constraints are too large unless the rooms are blocked off completely the day before.
I can help. I cannot manage it. I am working weekends. I can do a PR push for a couple weeks.
Actually once set-up, as Julie can confirm - it pretty much ran itself. But the moving everything out of the room (there has to be somewhere for it go) and marking off the areas was the work. At the end there were a few folks that helped bring it back in.
Oh there were some other folks that helped - primarily a few that arrived early. But Julie helped the night before and the next morning. Limey dragooned his son into helping with tape.
Here’s last year’s debrief, along with some photos of what went on.
I’ll recommend, again, that we choose a name which is not already trademarked/copywrited…
just realized the bloody patent office fubars your searches ASAP.
Both live and current (and registered to the same atty)
That was so much fun last year. Would vend again.
DMS Maker Faire is as descriptive as it needs to be IMO. I really really loved doing this last year. We had fun, sold some stuff. With more adverts I think we could get an even better turnout this year. I did like that it was in December since we got a lot of Holiday shoppers too.
Trademarked. And defended, from what I hear. Rumor has it they don’t really fuck around about it, either. Not quite NFL defensive, but close.
Youse can do what you want, but I think the smart move is to not tread on the work of others when it’s easily discovered and, at this point, known.
And, I like “Made by Makers Trade Fair” just as well. Would register it if I were running this show. Which I am not. And will not volunteer for. So. I’ve said my piece and will butt out. Now.