Seeking wandering aprons

There used to be several white canvas aprons in Creative Arts. We have been using them as a project in the Babylock embroidery class and embroidering the DMS logo onto them.

Oddly enough, all of the ones without the logo embroidered seem to have gone walkabout (shortly after I washed them, I think).

I am teaching Babylock Wednesday evening and I’d really like a blank apron for the class to use. Does anyone know where the unembroidered ones went? Or, just as good (for my purposes), do any of the other workshops have an un-embroidered apron that we could use?

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I think I saw some white canvas aprons in fired arts last time I was there. @cmcooper0 @dryad2b

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Possibly F.Arts, but they may have clay on them if they haven’t been cleaned recently.


I know that Fired Arts had some. I’m not suggesting that those used to belong to CA. But if there is an apron in Fired Arts (or Jewelry) that’s clean enough to embroider (i.e., no chunks), would someone grab it for me?

There are 2 denim aprons in JSM you could use

Yeah they probably all belong to fired arts but it would probably be ok if you use one for the class. I tagged the chair to make sure.

Thanks Julie and @Cairenn_Day. If either of you are at the space prior to Wednesday, could you please grab an apron and stuff it in the (far left) CA cabinet with the Babylock machine?

P.S. I should have added that we will be returning the apron as soon as the class is over.

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I will do that Do you only need one?

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More than welcome to jazz up FA aprons. However, they are almost assuredly not clean at any given moment. :slight_smile:


I’d like to use two but we’re only going to embroider one. Thanks for asking.

EDIT: If JSM only has two, I don’t want them both to be in a cabinet for three days. If you could put one in the cabinet to make sure we have something we can use, then I’ll walk out there and get the second one right before the class.

I can bring in a Starbucks apron for you to demo with :tongue:


They use to have some new ones with the silk printing equipment

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