Seeking twig advice

I recently did a small oyster veneer project. I used cross-section slices from some small branches about 1/2" diameter. The sapwood and heartwood were dramatically different colors, and the heartwood had an unusual shape.

I’m looking for some suggestions of native Texas trees/bushes for my next project.

The original wood came from South Africa so I can’t replicate that. I’m not looking for something identical since it will be for a different project; just something interesting.


your pic looks pretty BIG …yet I expected something small…

very nice as usual!

It’s about 2.5" long …

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It’s missing the penny. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Mesquite, of course. If you want to try it give me some dims and I can give you some for free.


Wow. Thanks!. I need a stick about 1/2" to 3/4" in diameter, and about maybe 9" long (or a couple pieces 6" long).

Red cedar has pretty contrast between the outer- and heart-wood. Smells good when you work it, too. Kinda brittle though.


I know where there’s some pecan…

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I only have bigger pieces but going out to harvest this coming weekend and will try and remember to bring some back. I have some 2 and 3" pieces.

Thanks much! The smaller pieces are useful if possible because of the smaller diameter heartwood.

How many do you want?

I need a total of about 12 linear inches.

I have already cut down 40 trees, I think I can manage that.
I will try to give myself a reminder to do so this weekend…
Do you have a box in the break room I could leave it in if you are not there when I do come down?

Jeff Whitcomb

“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]


Orange bin. Thigh level. First column next to the Dyson.


Jeff Whitcomb

“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]