Seeking scissors 7/16/19

Does anyone know where the rack / scissors went? Thanks.

It might not have been moved yet. Or it might have been taken down and a new location not found yet. Sorry, we’re ashambles right now.

As my mom would say - they’re in the last place you left them.

If we need a new magnetic rack, I have one gathering dust I can donate.


I placed the scissors in a box and that box got moved to the new CA room (where, i do not know). John removed the wall magnet that held the scissors. Where that magnet is, I also do not know.

The greatness that is the new CA room is very much a work-in-progress. We’ll be sifting through boxes for a while I suspect.

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I brought my scissor-sharpener, hoping to give the really bad ones a little more life. I found a few scattered around and put them into the “card catalog” file in the Scissors drawer.

@Scott_Blevins - any idea what the box looks like that I should be looking for?

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I believe it was a black plastic bin.

I left the magnet rack and screws on the flat storage rack in old CA, as it had not been decided where it was to be relocated to, and that was the most visible place to leave it at the time.

Someone else may have moved it after. If they did - I curse their breakfast cereals for their well-intentioned misdeeds.


I didn’t find the black bin, but I did find a few scissors scattered around. I sharpened all that I could find, plus about 15(?) more that I found in other committee areas. All are returned to from whence they came.

EDIT: The only one I didn’t return was the one marked Creative Arts that I found in Woodshop.


Day late and a dollar short here – In the Sewing Cabinet is a box which, if I remember right, is labeled Serger 1. All the nice sewing scissors are in there. Whoever decided to organize the boxes into single type, instead of what-you-need-to-sew didn’t label them all with the type of thing inside them. )()(&%%^&&^^%$$%^&&^&$$%^&&())))(*&^&%%$$%$%#%$%%$#@!!##.

Thanks. Those I found. I only sharpened a couple of those because most were in good condition.

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