Seeking Dye sub substrate

I’m looking for something sorta like a mouse pad but thin (< 1/32"). It can be any size greater than 1" x 1.5".

I need to make something that looks like a cutting mat, in 1/12 scale.

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dye sub paper on pressed craft foam?

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Thinking out loud here.

Could you create a mouse image in dye sub to scale (thinking your cat head avatar), then print it onto a piece tee-shirt material. This would be thin, pliable, and the texture would look something a neoprene mouse pad. I high thread count piece of material might look more to scale, even a piece of silk. It could be 100% natural fiber and since it won’t be washed, so no worry about it washing out as an issue.

Dye sub on to an appro thickness of poly fabric?