Seeking broken scroll saw blades

If anyone breaks a scroll saw blade (or finds a broken one), please save it for me. I need to make a miniature bow saw and a miniature buck saw and pieces of scroll saw blades would be perfect.



I found 2 packs of 12 blades today, and they are so fine they looked like pieces of wire to my eyes. The scroll saw is down (no lower blade set screw) so not sure anyone will be breaking one anytime soon.

It is very possible those are jeweler’s saw blades; partly because JS blades come in bundles of 12 (usually wrapped with a wire) and partly because JS blades are very very fine.

But thanks much for letting me know. I guess i’ll just go buy a couple packs.

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Okay, I have to know what these mini-saws are for.

Sorry, I’m sure this will be disappointing, but I sculpted a 1:12 scale Gepetto and I am making him a 1:12 scale workshop. He was a wood carver (circa 1880) and most likely he would have made his living carving functional things like chair seats, chair legs, bowls, ,etc.

He would have used bow and buck saws to prep the logs he carved.

Obviously I also have to make mallets and chisels and gouges, etc. along with various spokeshaves.

FWIW, the 2-1/4" tall Pinocchio is wooden and is fully jointed.


Sounds like a fun project. Hope to see pics. posted to Talk sometime.

Thanks and good luck with your build!


Malarkey. We are never disappointed by the things we see you do…

Hear, Hear!
Fortunately, we are treated to a fair bit of miniature vicariousness, courtesy of @John_Marlow. A quick recap to celebrate, revel, and relive past, and partially current, projects:

A personal favorite:


I am both flattered and humbled. Thank you.


@jast left out my favorite: the bentside spinet.
(and i can’t find it)

Found it: Thanks to the wonderful work of Chris Marlow - #5 by TLAR


Thanks for the kind words!

Tom Tansey posted a photo of my spinet after a showing at his gallery.


Yeah,I couldn’t find that one either, and found enough other materials that I figured I should post anyway. Thank you for rooting it out.
Just amazing work, and an amazing body of work. Plus we get special insider “in progress” vantages, like this thread! :+1:


I have some non-broken blades - I can give you one of those. Lemme know…

Mike C


@John_Marlow, I order you to check you personal storage bin forthwith!


Thanks to all who offered advice and blades @mblatz @HankCowdog @motopilot (and anyone else I missed). I have made three saws: two “European frame saws” - bow saw using honking big jeweler’s saw blade, buck saw using small scroll saw blade; and hand saw which I etched from stainless. (Yes, it has teeth but they’re really hard to see)