Seeking Adobe Illustrator help

I’m still figuring out Illustrator and I’m having some problems with the shape builder tool. By chance, would anyone be there tonight at 7 to help me with a project real quick? I’m sure it’s just a simple thing that I’m doing wrong.

I wasn’t planning on being there tonight, but I do have a class scheduled for this Sunday.

I wasn’t planning on covering the shape builder tool because it’s never been part of my workflow, but the 2nd part of the class is dedicated to helping students with their vector files.

If Sunday doesn’t work for you maybe you can describe your issue and I can try to help you here?

I don’t know what issue you’re experiencing, but if you’re new to Illustrator I would guess that one or more of the shapes you’re trying to merge haven’t been selected.

Here’s Adobe’s documentation for the shape builder tool if that helps at all.


I need to have this project done by tomorrow. :frowning:
I have multiple layers. I’m selecting the appropriate paths. One of my shapes forms correctly, but the stroke changes. Like you can only see half of it. On another area, the color changes to a whole new color when I merge the areas, even though I have it set to use artwork as the color. Then there’s a tiny section that won’t allow me to fill with the live paint bucket tool. It’s driving me crazy. Again, I’m sure it’s just something super simple that I’m overlooking.