[Scrubbed: Weather - Next Shot 5/30/2020] - Launch today! Space nerds holiday

My little man is all about rockets, spacex, and kerbal space program. Everyday he imagines creative ways to cross the karman line.

Anyways, today is a holiday for all launch nerds and I wanted to make sure to invite you along for the ride. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yn3Kax3mExc

Launch is 3pm according to my little.

Shout out to everyone who gets a bit weepy when it comes to the extremes of human engineering and of course mad respects to my favorite real life rocket doctor @rcktdr


My youngest is a space nerd too so we are watching!


Better view without ads and chat

Also Leeland Melvin is one of the commenters, he is one of the more charming astronauts.


T-0 is 3:44 P.M. Central time.

The Go - No Go decision should be about 3:00, which is also when tanking will begin. Or not.

Weather is the main concern. Has to be good enough downrange for the various abort modes.


And now there’s a tornado warning for the area immediately north of LC39.

Elon needs to sacrifice another chicken. Quickly.

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Here’s the Reuters link that has a camera directly on the astronauts:

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Interesting. I know jack-all about astronauting, but those buttons up the back of the welder’s cap look like they’d be unpleasant >1g.
Also, chuckle that all the gimps have numbers on back; must be a heck of a party!

Betting there’s a frame similar to a welder’s helmet under the covering. Maybe with a cooling fan.

And they’re Minions. Not gimps. Wrong kind of party…

At least they went with all black instead of yellow stripes.

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I think Lampy’s channel is showing the astronauts, the two are in place, pushing buttons…looking much more astronauty than the other feed with the gimps minions scampering around opening and closing hatches, taking pictures, and whatnot…

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They look like the Black Knight from Monty Python.


Come on Mother Nature- pull it together.


Mother Nature- “You did not clean your room, Therefore I can not allow you to leave this atmosphere “

“Awwwe Mom, I promise when I get back I’ll do it”


WX clearance in the next 5 mins, waiting on energy dissipation (lightening potential) go/ no go

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Launch scrubbed, WX no go

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Launch scrubbed due to weather

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Next Windows are Saturday and Sunday. Not sure on times, but should be similar.

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Any idea if the same links will work for next live event? I have no idea if they usually recycle them, like open channels, or if they create new…

I got the one I used from Spaceflightnow.com.

It was the one without commentators. Just mission control and air-to-ground loops.

I’ll try to remember to post whatever it is on the next attempt.


Update: T-0 is 14:22 central on Saturday.


Those astronauts have been strapped in to their chairs for a long time. I hope they get training on how to sit still for that long.