Science wants to conduct an experiment to determine the glycemic response of
Diet Soda (aspartame)
Regular high fructose Soda
I have a lancet and blood glucose meter already
We need 10 volunteers, who would be willing to come to MakerSpace on a Saturday morning, for 4 Saturdays and commit to not eating anything until after the experiment
who will wake up, not eat or drink anything
lancet themselves with a diabetic blood sugar meter and read glucose level
drink one of the above and then
lancet themselves and read the glucose level 30min, 1 hour, 2 hour, later
they shouldn’t eat or drink anything from waking up until 2 hours after the drink
your blood sugar determines your insulin level, insulin is the hormone that controls your bodies’ fat storage. This is why KETO or Atkins or whatever the hell you want to call it works, it removes carbs which cause glycemic response and insulin secretion. Obese people often become diabetics because they have chronically high insulin levels and eventually destroy their own pancreas and so they can no longer regulate their own blood sugar.
As a type 2 diabetic, my understanding is for a non-diabetic person, the sugar will not actually spike their blood glucose. A non-diabetic should have proper insulin control that fights the spikes. I could be mis-informed but I believe you should see a pretty steady BG despite soda or sweets.
I would but I have sworn off the sugar-sodas to control my BG. I’m happy to be back in a normal BG range.
I’m interested to see if non-diabetics experience the post meal (or soda) spike.
I am 100% confident it doesn’t need to be said, but I’ll say it anyways for peace of mind, please make sure you use a new needle for each person for the finger pricks.
made me nervous, too, though I am QUITE sure we all know better than to share “a lancet”, so we must surely mean “box of” or something like…
But the pictures running through my head…
I’d be glad to volunteer, Saturdays & morning are a little wonky for me but when you nail the time down I could give you a better answer. Was prediabetic within the last 8(?) months, lost a bunch of weight then wasn’t but not sure of my actual status at the moment.
I’m sorry for my poor choice of words, it doesn’t have to be four Saturdays in a row, It just needs to be in the morning on a Saturday, 4 times within like 6 months. We need the data from 10 people, and hopefully at least one diabetic. We need it to be in the morning before eating anything else so it doesn’t throw the test subject’s blood sugar out of whack.
This is a very interesting test, I believe a lot of makers and people outside of this space will be interested in this data.
Will more people be willing to take the test if I let them take it home with them for a week? They could run the test themselves at home 4/days out of the week and bring back the results.
Well I don’t ever drink soda but I suppose I could for science. The not having to be 4 Saturdays in a row is key. If you allow take homes you’ll definitely get your numbers quicker.
Am I correct in a standard can being the assigned volume?
I will do the test first myself and record myself and the instructions so that it would be very easy to know what to do, then I guess give it to one person a week until we get enough results from enough participants, thanks for volunteering!