Saving Money by Reducing Energy Usage

The hot cold spots is an air balance issue. The diffusers would need to be all checked with a flow hood & then balanced to a design or rule of thumb. That’s if our duct work has balancing dampers, that’s one item that typically will get VE out (value engineered). The previous tenants may have had different loads distributed or they may not have had an air balance at all.

The common room seems to be a hot spot, and it is on the west side also so that may be effecting it

Who is flagging all posts on this thread?


I’d assume it’s because the thread isn’t about AC and it was totally off topic

Edited to reflect original post.

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I think it takes 3 flags.
Mods can see whomall did whatall. See Alex’s post on this thread.

You can unhide your flagged post by editing, and hidden posts can be revealed by clicking the link to view it anyway.
Are posts about keeping on topic off topic?

Continuing the second off-topic discussions, This thread should just be split by a moderator. the discussion split from the Original Post to AC and lighting efficiency. I think we have highlighted an issue in our system. We tell members when they see a topic go off-topic they are to flag the posts as off-topic so as to indicate to a moderator that the topic needs to be split. That is what happened here, but it has been about a day since this happened and yet the thread isn’t split. Also, the reception from those flagged is that they did something wrong or someone is messing with them. Neither is true, instead they were involved in a discussion that went off topic, our mods should take the hint and please just split the topic.

(please flag this as off-topic for me so the mods will know it is part of the second off-topic thread, thanks)

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The Purple Classroom, in particular, is on the same system as the Common Room, but without its own thermostat. It swings wildly from a little too warm to much too cold.

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