This is mixed news for me. This is one of those items that I love to eat, even though I hate what all those refried beans do to my digestive system with no gall bladder.
If I believed in colon cleanses, this would probably be the most unclean but highly effective purge for me.
Good lord, I haven’t been to Taco Bell since 1978, stoned (wasn’t everybody?), in a Pinto with a very waspy boy from Greenwich Connecticut. He used to get hideous tacos. I used to get grotesque burritos. Thank christ he moved on to Newsweek Magazine, and I moved on to Texas.
I’m not about to repeat any of those experiences.
So I can’t sign the petition (nor imagine what a mexican pizza is).
"Because of the incredible love for the Mexican Pizza, we have begun selling out across the country. We will communicate this to our fans later this week. The Mexican Pizza will return later this year; you’ll hear more from us as that date approaches.
“We know seeing this product temporarily leave again so soon will be hard for some fans, but this is also an opportunity to continue fueling the Mexican Pizza love while ensuring you and your teams are set up for success in the week ahead.”