Sat 8 Sept, noon-3pm - Embedded Javascript? Powered by a coin cell? Intro to Espruino

Presentation tomorrow…

DPRG - Dallas Personal Robotics Group - hosts cool presentations each month during its regular membership meeting. These meetings and presentations are open to public and free to attend.

This month features a presentation focused on Espuruino devices. Espruino is an open source JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers with as little as 128kB Flash and 8kB RAM.

We’ll walk through LED blinking and sensor reading JavaScript code for some BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) beacons. As these devices run on low energy coin cells, they provide a great example of Espruinos’ efficiency.

We’ll also do a high level demo of a dashboard that can interact with these BLE beacons using Node-Red and MQTT running on a Pi3.

We’ll also briefly discuss a neural net powered autonomous driving robot

more details here

and here