Whoops not the right kind
This is a lesson for me as much as y’all. We knew that wire was used several times before. I’m never putting one that’s as overloaded as this one was in the kiln again. And, I thought that the longer wire might not have been the correct type of wire. And, sure enough, it sagged. Whoever put this in – that was totally the wrong type of wire. You can tell by the way it sagged with only the 2 hearts on it on the unsupported end. The thicker wires that came with the racks didn’t do that their first time in the kiln.
If you scroll back, sometime last year or maybe the year before, we had a big discussion. I believe that the wires we got with the racks is nichrome, and it’s not all that durable in Cone 6 (2232 F) firings. Shirley found the name of the wire that doesn’t sag at Cone 10, but I don’t remember it right now. And – I’m pretty sure that all the metal wires are going to degrade over time/number of firings.
since I have a pendant class on the calendar should I go pick up some wire for the
I expect to to teach both some pendants and ornaments
We actually have a fresh set of the correct wire for that rack. Whoever loaded it didn’t ask anybody. And, unless you glaze both sides, you don’t need the rack. If you just do that iron wash, then that doesn’t stick. Usually.
Yes, you can use these rods to the cone, but unfortunately there was too much weight on it.