Safety class 1 on 1

I was wondering if there is a 1 on 1 sign off for the required safety class on the wood shop basics, because its seems awhile before any open available classes are available. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you

Some teachers are occasionally available for a 1 on 1 class. I offer one as needed but I’m out of town for a week.

There is one space available on 2/17 in this class:

Also one space available on 2/21:



I’m just beginning to use talk; please forgive duplicate messages. Could I please squeeze into the 2/25 Woodshop S&O class? Thanks.

John Toohey

This Woodshop S&O class is very hands on and takes the full allotted time for five students. If the class is full, there isn’t any squeezing. If you must gain access immediately, you might reach out for a one-on-one class. These will normally have a different fee structure. @dougbcave will sometimes provide these classes. Otherwise keep your eye out for another group class on the calendar. There are normally a couple held each week.

Thank you for your advice. I will reach out to Doug.

I see this message, John. Please send me a DM.