I received a donation of several hundred Allen Wrenches from the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). These are a varied assortment of SAE and Metric types. I placed them in one of the metal cabinet drawers located by the book rack. Several wrenches are stamped as Craftsman brand. I was going to place them on the Freebie Shelf but then thought to let the Machine Shop have first dibbs. Take what you need and save some for others.
Logistics buys allen wrenches monthly that are used to supplement other committee and other members collections
These are probably individual wrenches. If a tool requires specific size, this is a good chance to get one, and keep it there (i.e. chain to machine)
In this case, using extra-procedual methods.
Thank you for your kindness.
as a reminder - it is important that to get approval/acceptance from the department chair before leaving items as a donation. while we are grateful this is necessary to prevent problems. Are the wrenches loose? as people make a mad dash to raid the cabinet, what else gets lobbed in as “this must be part of the donation. I guess I’ll take it home”.
If someone wants to volunteer to pull out ONE of each unique wrench for the shop that would be great and they should be moved to the red toolbox. the rest should be moved to the freebie shelf.
With much appreciation.
The wrenches are lose, on one side of drawer.
@richmeyer I am curious as to where the wrenches came from? I work for UTD and am always on the hunt for freebies around campus.
@nicksilva UTD has an auction once or twice a year to get rid of surplus equipment. What are things on a wish list and I can put my feelers out.
Since @Tornero works at UTD, I will PM him with information about how he can get excess UTD property reassigned back to his department.
As for the general public, check out https://www.lsoauctions.com/ as they are the auction house that handles UTD’s surplus. There is a UTD auction going on right now. Check out the website.
The collection of Allen Wrenches have been moved to the Donation Shelf for everyone to use. Enjoy.