Rube Goldberg Machines

A few years ago I was in a conversation with another DMS member, David Kessinger, who is gone now, about Rube Goldberg machine. Another member, Denzuko posted a similar topic in 2019 here:

Today while cleaning out my Gmail mailbox I came across something I found in 2022 that is still posted here:

I have always been fascinated by the thinking, time and planning it must take to do these kind of things, but they are amazing.

I thought I’d share with DMS. Has anyone ever made a Rube Goldberg machine?


This Honda ad from … seemingly 2003 … was alleged to be 100% practical effects.


I did one for a class project in college. It was cool but also painful to put together. Lots of testing over and over


I loved the Mousetrap game as a kid. There are some good Rube Goldberg machine videos on YouTube.

I would love to attempt a commission for the one from the opening of Elementary
Unfortunately, the potential costs keep me from doing it for only my own personal edification.