RSS Feed for Talk

Hi, I’m trying to get an RSS feed for Some services like Feedly will take the basic URL and convert it to a feed for me to access Talk using the Feedly mobile app. However, I’m currently trying to use IFTTT and it does NOT take the basic URL; it needs a proper RSS feed.

My end goal is to connect Talk to a Slack channel, and I’m trying to do that using the IFTTT service. Any ideas?


Not sure how this might help, but from here

Thanks @jast. I finally found that’s how Feedly is getting their Talk feed. I’d like to get just the Software Dev category posts, or have the ability to customize based on mentions, etc.

Can an admin enable the chatroom integration plugin? Discourse Chat Integration - plugin - Discourse Meta @StanSimmons

I found an answer from the Discourse forum: RSS feed for category + latest - feature - Discourse Meta

This thread can be closed!

chatroom integration plugin has been added to the helpdesk:

@Team_Infrastructure, @Team_Moderators, and the fellow volunteers will discuss this at the next priority meeting.

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