Root Beer and Bitch?

Just wondering… when will the first Root Beer and Bitch session be? Since there can no longer be a Beer and Bitch session. /snark


Oh we can have a Beer and Bitch session … just not “anywhere on or within the premises, parking lot, or common walkways of the Dallas Makerspace.” And I suggest we do just that.


Chuck e Cheese!


That wouldn’t be my first choice for pizza or a bitch session :smiley:

Would it be poor form to combine it with a givebacks night at twisted root?


Would it be poor form for a board member to attend? After all I’ve got some bitching to do.


I don’t see why not lol.

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I personally would like to see chairs and vice chairs working together with the board, as I feel we all benefit as a whole. If we needed “privacy” from the board we could leave that part of the meeting until the end. That’s my two cents, I’m sure there are differing opinions on this.


Having spent more hours in Chuck e Cheese than I care to admit, although the pizza is horrible, the alcohol policy is, well, about same as the new MakerSpace, and it’s impossible to hear anyone across the table, let alone across the room. Good luck finding a place to host that meeting.

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I think you spelled Quakerspace wrong


I’ve been to Chuck e cheeses in California that sold beer. Granted we are not in California.


ATTEMPT AT HUMOR ALERT: I think we can as long as we’re in our cars. We could have a drive-in night and project a movie on the back wall.


hey we could make it a VECTOR committee outing the Denton Chuck e Cheese used to have the mech warrior arcade machine. Yes. The actual cockpit one.!

p sure its long gone tho :confused:

pretty sure the last tenured pizza rat had an active grindr account although my data is strictly anecdotal but maybe he can get us some extra whip cream on our ice cream?

How about one of our neighbor’s parking lot? After hours, sun goes down, bring out the chairs, ice chests etc. and have at it. I’ll recommend our new neighbors who think they’re going to get our parking places and dumpster spot behind 102. Just a thought.

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Are you actively trying to just troll people?

How does this contribute to the conversation here?
Are you trying to say that It will just happen anyway and that, due to the fact that we can’t control anything that we should just give up?

I’m guessing that if we end up with people drinking in our neighbors parking lots, that step 1 will be a visit from Carrollton Police.

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Quite the opposite.

After hours probably not.
On the other hand dangerous, unruly, obnoxious behavior is fair game anywhere.

Drinking in the parking lot (any parking lot) is already banned by Carrollton since 2012.

Not to mention drinking in your car or near your car would likely land you with a DUI charge normally. There are places to drink, such as your home, a bar, a bowling alley, etc. That’s where I drink, the obsession to drink anywhere and everywhere is concerning to me. Doubly so when you talk about drinking in a vehicle, which you’ll like drive away in long before you’re actually sober enough to do so safely.

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Yes, I believe the term is called ‘public intoxication.’ And as a former fraternity president, I have run across this police charge and occasional jailing of my fellow fraternity members.

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You might check Farmers Branch … :stuck_out_tongue: