We set up the robotic arm to run between two points …
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15% Speed
I’m think we need a more stable base for the robots … but I thought I would show ya’ll the progress we are making
Anyone have a sword?
We set up the robotic arm to run between two points …
Full Speed
15% Speed
I’m think we need a more stable base for the robots … but I thought I would show ya’ll the progress we are making
Anyone have a sword?
I have a claymore, sure!
Seeing that makes me think, “A swing and a miss!”
Adding a camera and OpenCV, how hard would it be to get it to hit a ball?
I have a real broadsword it is shorter e tba normal since i was
made so I could easily swing it
Perhaps more weight?
DMS Security System. Robotic arm with sword (prettier) or club.
And they chase you down if you leave a messy table!
50lb ballasts in cheap, readily available, pre-packaged format…
I would gladly donate 10 watermelons to the cause if you put a claymore into that things hand and go to town on them.
I had to think about the context on that one. I was expecting the other “claymore”
I think your mine went where my mine went…
This bot’s only got 1 hand…
I know what both claymores are, but the mine is the first to come to mind. Lol
Same here. I couldn’t imagine throwing a claymore. Would be fun to see one detonated in the robots hand though.
We would need a hand first … we will be hosting a build-you-own robot once we have the class planned and you ware welcome to take your robot out to a range somewhere and blow it up … we should video it
If there was any way of getting so it could cut a watermelon wih a knife of sword mad here
It would be a wonderful addition to the Open Housde
An industrial modern item wielding a medical item doing something domestic
It is a whole lot more entertaining to lock bots in an arena and watch them attempt to destroy each other.
I have one of these… Great in traffic!