The Robotic arms are part of the Robotics SiG. I will talk it over with the other SiG members and see if we can get them sold to make way for other newer robots.
I thought the robotic arm was part of science committee, it was in our previous science area?
The Science committee had the Robotics SiG. We were moving to Electronics but then the expansion stuff happened and stuff got moved around and more stuff got moved. We need to have a meeting and get things ironed out.
Robotic arms are part of Science, we are in the process of selling them, or more likely donating/trading them with Dallas innovation Center downtown.
@Draco the robotic arms are Science’s.
Have you asked @andrewboerder, the head of the SiG? We were in transition between Science and Electronics. Because Science didn’t want them. You gave them up, as I remember.
he is completely aware of the situation.
The money then will be transferred to Electronics as we will be continuing Robotics there, correct?
No it will not be.
Sigs, dont have money…
Alright, then we shall continue without the money or robots, attached as a SiG of Electronics.
Dallas Innovation Center has several of this robot, they are building an automation center to train for blue collar jobs, they have the infrastructure and know how to use these robots. Andrew is going there twice a week to study under Chris. We dont have a safe place to use them, it isn’t practical for what we are.
I was there this very morning!
I am aware that Chris wanted the robots and controllers. He helped us get the robot working. it is a really old robot and I think he should have them.