A limited supply of RFID Implants have been purchased. These are from Dangerous Things, normally $57 retail price.
We are offering them to members for a substantial discount at $25.
Dan Quevedo is a professional body mod artist that will be installing them for an additional $25, payable in cash or paypal at the event
18 or over only. No metal or lidocaine allergies. If you have a latex allergy please let us know ahead of time.
Not registering on the calendar since I already have an unopened implant and don’t need to pay for another one (unless I can cram in a 3rd one, then maybe), but I will be there to have Dan implant it.
will I then have to wear a tin foil hat to protect my rfid from being hacked? I mean, I already wear one to keep the guvment from reading my mind.
(LOL Just kidding. those tinfoil rfid wallet protectors made me think of this).

This has gotten me to ponder if one could implant a board with a SDR, FPGA, sd chip and communicate with it via rfid serial?
I’ve been looking to implant a Yubikey Neo for NFC based U2F. Biggest thing I’m unfamiliar with is encasing the device to be biologically safe.
Otherwise there are some nifty ideas floating around that I’m sure we could all make interesting projects out of.
I am torn between knowing I am the kind of person who probably needs one of these and a visceral disgust at the actual physical prospect.
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Biocompatible energy storage has long been the big problem. Batteries are large and they usually use chemicals that would be toxic if a rupture put them in contact with living tissue. Also their lifespan is usually shorter than the 10+ years the medical community would prefer for an implant, though that may not so much affect enthusiasts. This is why we don’t yet have implantable active RFID with with a working range of meters instead of centimeters.
But you can probably live with it being asleep most of the time except when you’re actually performing an attack or communicating with it, and assuming you have room in your body for a AAAish battery and wireless charging coil, then yeah you could totally do it and I’d totally want to participate.
This was cancelled last week. Is the new event going to be on the calendar?