A limited supply of RFID Implants have been purchased. These are from Dangerous Things, normally $57 retail price. https://dangerousthings.com/shop/xemi/
We are offering them to members for a substantial discount at $25.
Dan Quevedo is a professional body mod artist that will be installing them for an additional $25, payable in cash at the event
18 or over only. No metal or lidocaine allergies. If you have a latex allergy please let us know ahead of time.
I’m fairly interested in this. Thanks for setting it up Stan.
For the people that participated in the last implant event, what are your feelings regarding the device now that you’ve had it implanted for some time? Any regrets? Any residual pain or numbness? Has anyone had them removed for any reason?
I’m definitely interested in this but it looks like I will be out of town the weekend of the event.
Stan, would it be possible for me to register/pay for the event to reserve a tag, and then contact the installer outside of DMS and get him to install it (I realize that you probably won’t be able to speak to the installer guy’s availability)? Are you guys also encoding them in batches during the event / are there any other follow up procedures that need to be done during the event, besides the implantation? Or can I just read the native value that comes on this chip at a later date and pair that with my DMS login?
These chips are programmable T5577 chips which are compatible with our system (EM4100), Prox II and Indala. We program the implant, after it is installed, to match your existing RFID. Dan Quevedo isn’t on Talk, but is on facebook. PM me if you need his phone.
Will do, thanks Stan. So essentially we’ll still be able to program them after the event? We have the tools to do that at the same and he isn’t bringing any special hardware to do so?
I have the equipment here for programming the RFID. They can be programmed, and reprogrammed here at DMS. @Know can even reprogram them to work with a variety of systems.
…but…what do you do with it? What functionality does it provide? Really curious, although I’d probably just superglue it somewhere on the outside, lol.