I lost my card and bought a handful of RFID bracelets…the ones that somebody posted about on ebay http://m.ebay.com/itm/10x-RFID-Wristbands-125KHz-EM4100-compatible-ID-Bracelet-Silicone-Access-Control-/161231900685. Will there be someone at the space tonight - even late - or tomorrow that can let me in and program one of the bracelets with my access code? Anybody interested in one or more of the extras for $3 a piece just to offset my cost?
If you have the 10 digit number for one of the bracelets, Private Message me the number and your real name and I’ll activate it now.
Hello. I’ll take/try one. Let me know how best to proceed…
I posted that link originally. They work great and have a fun color choice.
They do not come with the codes for each of them. I had scan each one of them in the security room reader in order, then have Brooks look at the access list for that reader, then based off the tags I scanned in order, write down the code for each one. They have a code that has to be translated into the code used on Maker Manager. @StanSimmons can probably help you with this, but I just warn you those bracelets don’t give you the code, you have to read them and find out.
I’m pretty sure that if you scan it on the Snack Room Tally machine, it will give you the number that you need in MakerManager.
TLDR: Just a heads up if you encounter a number that works in the snack machine, but not in Makermanager 2. If you ever have a RFID tag that Makermanager claims is outside of the range, take the lowest 24 bits.
FWIW, someone recently used a custom RFID tag on the snack machine, but the number was too high according to Makermanager for activation. Makermanager claimed the RFID number needed to be under 16.7 million, which I recognized as a 24 bit max number from 24 bit color specs.
So on a hunch I decided to try the lowest 24 bits of his tag. So I took his decimal RFID number from the snack machine, converted it to hexadecimal, took the 6 last hex digits (or it with FFFFFF if you want), and converted that number back to decimal. Using that number as the badge in Makermanager allowed the card to be activated and it indeed worked.
I am sure there is a longer explanation about RFID formats etc., but trying this on a hunch was easy and worked.
Nice hack…
The MiFare NFC tags are the wrong frequency and protocol. You could crack open the blue/green tags to get the chip out of it and make your own enclosure.
See my proposed implantable RFID class for another crazier RFID tag option.
I’m at the space now…molding class just cleaned up. Is there anyone here with access to MakerManager?
I will leave the bracelets in a lime green document tote with my name on it in the racks in the breakroom for whoever wants one. $3 each by honor system just to cover my costs.
Guess these got pitched with the big cleanup in November…