[RFC] Mac Owners with Xcode or Application Loader at DMS on 3/17 or 3/18?

Are any of you Mac owners with Xcode or Application Loaders by chance going to be at the space this evening or tomorrow? I’m a Windows owner seeking to submit an iPhone app and it doesn’t look like my hosted Mac VM will be available until Monday.

I’ll be up here today until 5pm or so. Tomorrow 9 until 5 too.

Thanks. Hopefully, I’ll be able to catch up with you today. I’ll head up there at ~10:30 and see if you break from during your class today before noon.If not I’ll try to catch you around 5 or during breaks or after your class tomorrow.

Thanks for the assist. It’s submitted now and I’ll see what Apple has to say and I may chase you down again if rejected.