Returning member request re-certification on table saw


I’m a returning member that completed the old single wood shop class that provided certification on the jointer, thickness planer, table saw, and miter saw.

I was able to log into the planer today, but not the table saw. Since this is the exact same saw that I was certified on I would I to be granted re-certification on it.

Thank you


Just checked and you should have access try the saw stop.

stop saw is tagged out, sign said it was running like it was single phase… Think its down

Probably related to this report.

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Could I get re-certificated on the working table saw?

Someone is heading out today to look at the interlock on it best I can tell you have access but it appears from remote (out of town) the interlock’s antenna was physically damaged so it’s not getting updates.

Working now… I was able to scan onto the saw… Thank you