Results of the Silent Auction - $1762

Much thanks to @mreynolds and @Adam_Oas and @Kriskat30 and @motopilot for making the silent auction run smoothly. I’d also like to thank my son for giving up his good weather day to come in and organize the picnic with me on Friday. I apologize for the auction being the only “activity” of the day but next year we will have two plans going at once for stuff like this. $1700! 35 monthly memberships can now be handed out.

$75 Taco Bell Date with Mitch @themitch22
$50 Homemade Pie by Chuck @dr_cee
$40 Printing by Premier Gallery by Tom @TLAR
$40 Wood Turned Vessel by Kris @Kriskat30
$10 One Long Hug by Dan
$60 Rent-a-Groman @talkers
$45 Arduino Grab bag by Walter @artg_dms
$35 Get to know your Car Class from Auto Committee
$25 Food Baby by Babes
$150 Boom Chicka BowWow: Pryo dreams @Nick @Lampy
$60 Machine Shop Training with Scott @sbwart
$100 PrintrBot Simple Metal 3D Printer @themitch22
$30 Pair of Bishop Arts Cidercade Passes
$25 Pair of Bishop Arts Cidercade Passes
$30 $45 HobbyTown Giftcard
$26 $45 HobbyTown Giftcard
$50 Leather Love Pile: Tandy Grab bag
$35 Heck-of-a-riveting rivet class with Clay @motopilot
$60 Raspberry Pi Grabbag from Walter and Art
$10 Ten Handknit Dishcloths from Devin @missydee1206
$50 Whip It: 3’ Parachord Whip colors of your choice by Steven @thatguy
$80 Metal 3-in-One Bob Ross Easel from Walter
$15 Fancy Face: fantasy makeup by Rae
$50 STFU Card offered by Jayson @engpin
$45 Edge grain cutting board instruction by Andrew @Azalaket
$12 Ceramic Goblet by Annette and AH Studios @Anette_Henningson
$20 Mouser Grab bag
$12 $25 Natures Gallery Gift Certificate
$32 It’s shooting blanks: one dozen pen blanks from Cary @CaryF300
$15 Foldform Cuff by Carienn @Cairenn_Day
$40 One handmade pie by Chuck
$12 $20 Beth Maries Ice Cream Gift Certificate
$35 $50 Trinity Ceramics Gift Certificate
$5 Blue and White Ceramic Vessel by Beth
$10 Nugget Bucket: Beaver nuggets and pendant by Julie @Julie-Harris
$15 Small Air-chased cuff by Nadira @purpleporpoise
$15 Medium Air-Chased Copper Cuff by Nadria
$18 Pink Swaroski Bicone Beaded Bracelet by Nadria
$18 Blue Swaroski Bicone Beaded Bracelet by Nadria
$15 Mixed Metals Riveted Bracelet by Nadria
$40 Hermes Scarf Clip by Nadira
$17 3D Carved Skull Pen from Nick @nicksilva
$7 Leather Belt Buckle with Pirate Motif from Nick
$25 Bubinga Wood Lighter Cover and Lighter by Nick
$10 1X1X12 Cocobolo Wood Blank by Nick
$10 1X1X12 Bloodwood Wood Blank by Nick
$25 Moon Made Print from Scott but by Frank Frazzetta
$15 One Pan of Carmel Bacon Brownies by Josh @Josh_Melnick
$35 Vermeil and Australian Opal Pendant and Earrings by Nadira
$20 Handknit Dice Bag by Devin
$15 Foldformed Bracelet by Carienn
$30 $50 Tanners Wonderlust: Grabbag of all Grabbags
$30 $50 Blue Mountian Gift Certificate
$25 Skull Lighter from Nick


$150?! Boom shakalaca!


You’re alive! What is the thing you sold?

1 Like

What’s the difference between Chuck’s Homemade pie vs Handmade pie?


It’s so advanced we common folk can’t understand the difference. I think it involves lasers and crystal sizes. Chuck knows. Chuck knows everything.


And @wandrson still making an impact from beyond the grave :eyes:


We are letting a wonderful person have a big pyro experience.