I was hoping to find out what tools are restricted for us until training is complete. I am also curious about the restricted items in the metal shop
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All large, free standing power tools require training:
- table saws
- miter saw
- planer
- jointer
- lathes
- bandsaws
- sanders
Metal shop has the following restrictions:
- welders (hot process safety then a machine class or a sign-offs for prior experience)
- plasma (hot process safety then a machine class)
- the large powder coating oven (spot train or the general hot process safety)
- the fixed grinders (QR code self-train)
The DMS TOOLS page of the wiki (upper RH corner menu) has a good listing of what requires training. It’s probably about 95% accurate. It’s also a great resource that links to many manuals, spec sheets, and some videos.
(Make sure you use the right link. The LHS link goes to WIKI tools, not DMS tools)