[Resolved] Why are printers printing slowly for me?!?!

I don’t know why but for the last couple of months all of my print jobs take forever to print, does anyone know why the printers print so slowly for me but fast for everyone else? i haven’t changed any of m settings but it doesn’t matter where i design or what computer is used to slice the models. stuff that is only 5% infill still take hours to print. when printing the bases the printers refuse to move any faster than 10 mm/sec.

Printing with ABS?

Do you have ABS selected?

Would you mind sharing the gcode? It would help us figure out what setting may be off?

I will when I return to the space this afternoon .

Yes I am and yes I have.

it wont allow me to upload it due to size restrictions. however

M:\justin dilbeck\3D Print\zachary and then chose light switch(0).

Dropbox or Google drive

Well I have already left and won’t be back at the facility for several days. Probably not until next Thursday as that’s my next day off.

Update: I spent some time with @errosema last night and looked over some of the slow-printing files. Layer height was set to 0.1155 mm, which is lower than the usual “Art” layer height of 0.125mm.

Reslicing a file at a more reasonable (for the part) layer height generated a reasonable-print-time result.

Lessons learned:
a) Don’t use a non-DMS copy of KissSlicer at home unless you are sure of the settings, as they may not match the “standard” settings (Art, Mechanical High Density, et al) at DMS
b) Don’t use an already-logged-in copy of KissSlicer (piggybacking on another user’s login) unless you are sure of the settings, as that user may have customized their settings either temporarily or permanently.
c) Don’t start a slice without checking which Style Name is selected

In general:

Trust, but verify