[RESOLVED] Water shutdown 7 AM to Noon on Saturday (No water, no toilets)

I have just been told that the leak is getting worse rapidly and the water will be shut down almost immediately for repair. It will be down for about half the day. from 6 AM to Noon on Saturday.


Does this eliminate the Sunday shutdown?

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Plumbers are/were working on it on the North side of the building.

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I would expect so if they are going to work on it now.

If anybody is wondering, the leak is at the north end of the building. I had to park there last night since the lot was full and there was a minor stream running out onto the pavement.

The latest story is that the water will be shut down for repair from 6 AM till Noon on Saturday, supposedly due to feedback from some of the neighbors.

This is actually much more convenient for us than on the weekend. Not so much for our neighbors, but better for us.

If we can determine that the water will not be shut off on Sunday, can someone please remove the paper signs from the front door, rear door, and workshop door?

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Signs edited with the latest info.

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Thanks for checking this out. @Kriskat30 just called the management company and their representative confirmed that the water will be off Saturday from 7am until about noon.

I figure 6am vs 7am start doesn’t make a lot of difference to most of our Makers …

@Josh_Melnick … you need to know about this.

If you need water for your soap class or your oils class, you will need to bring it in from the outside (and/or use distilled).

Thanks for the info.

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Is the water back on?

Yes. + useless characters